Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Pay-Per-Click listings are the prime real-estate locations of the leading search engine and directory sites in today’s market.
When people search online, the search engine will list the PPC listing before the regular search results. Often, people will just click on these top listings and proceed.
These well-targeted listings usually generate qualified sales leads of prospective customers. To achieve the highest return on your PPC investment a considerable amount of time is needed to examine the search engine rules, thoroughly analyze the keywords, weigh each keyword’s advertising price, set a monthly budget, and monitor the listing daily.
We pay special attention to your market and target audience before we spend a dime. Our daily monitoring system and enhancements to your listing would guarantee the highest return on your marketing and advertising spending you have ever experienced.
We do extensive analysis on your site and develop specific META tags and keywords for your products and services before submitting your site to any online directories.

Steps on Setting Up a Pay-Per-Click Campaign
The process is not very difficult and does not need much technical knowledge. It is, however, time-consuming and requires in-depth attention to detail.
Here are some insights on setting up a PPC campaign:
Rules and Regulations
Pay attention to the rules and guidelines of each pay-per-click search engine. Compare each PPC listing package, its prices, and startup costs with your setup and monthly budget. And then choose the package that best suits your specific situation for the highest ROI.
Research, analyze, and determine the keywords specific to your market. Remember, some non-obvious keywords might be the most affordable but will not provide the best results for online traffic. This step might be the most time-consuming part.
Monitor the prices on your PPC listing daily. Your competitors might pay a higher price for the same keywords, thus pushing your website down the listing. To maintain your high ranking, track and re-evaluate your search terms daily.
Constantly re-budget your campaign for the sponsored PPC listing. Due to the competitive nature of the digital marketing landscape, you have to research your keywords and update their PPC listing frequently. Track your spending and generated sales, and re-adjust your listings accordingly.
Landing Page
Direct each listing to a landing page where the viewers would
immediately get their needed information. Remember that just running an online campaign wouldn't necessarily lead to sales. Your viewers will become prospective clients ONLY if you provide their needed solution. After all, you want to convert click-throughs to actions that will result in
Even though Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Submission seem irrelevant, they will result in listing your site on a higher ranking on the search engines for a much less price.
Softinet e-Marketing Team has been providing PPC Campaigns to our clients with over 400% increase in revenue. Most of our clients generate their annual advertising budget from their first qualified clients.
e-Marketing Team has been providing PPC Campaigns to our clients for over 10 years.
All our clients’ websites have achieved the highest ranking on major search engines and online directories using our:
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